Friday, April 8, 2011

Confession time... with Glamazon Mom and Mamarazzi!


I confess...
that ever since I started working again (last week I worked 3 days and this week Wed, Thurs and the entire weekend) I have been super slacking on checking out blogs. I WANT to check new blogs out but I am lacking time. Ugh.

I confess that I have been missing the comments on my own blog. I know I know, if you want comments you have to comment. UGH. I will try and get caught up today. We'll see what happens. If you comment I will try my very hardest to comment on your blog. I promise.

I confess I freaking LOVE my job. Serving others is a wonderful job.

I also confess that I do NOT want to be a CNA forever. That would kill me. I wanna be an RN. I want to be able to take off a doctor's order. I want to give pain meds. I want to be a nurse. PERIOD.

I also wouldn't mind being a phlebotomist. (You know the guy who draws your blood at the hospital and does IV's...) I don't know how to spell it.

I confess that I really don't mind working full time. I missed nursing and it really is the field for me.

I confess though I did MISS the poopy brief changes though. *sigh* But all in a nurse's day work right?

I confess that I am addicted to blogging AND comments AND meeting new people. AND even winning cash. Yup, Send all the cash you want. And also send me a second car. MY second car died and I need one BAD!

I confess that I love technology. I LOVE Skype and being able to communicate with my friends and family that are so very far away. Have YOU Skyped with me lately?

I confess that I love and miss Naptime.


VandyJ said...

I sure do miss naptime. I also regret all the times I skipped a nap when I was younger.

Unknown said...

I confess that I have missed ya like mad.. I confess that I am a wee bit jealous of your patients..
You would make a rocking nurse and ya know the truth is the nurses truly know more then the doctors anyway..

Debbie said...

I confess I've been too busy to be in the blogging world lately. Work will do that to you...
Glad you are loving your job. Maybe they have a tuition assistance program where you could go to nursing school. Something to look into...
Have a fabulous weekend :D

Amber said...

Naps seem to be popping up in a lot of confessions this week!

I looked into becoming a phlebotomist (or however you spell it!) but they pay wasn't that great at my local hospital so I had to pass. I've always had a fascination with it.

Have a great weekend!

Krista said...

Congrats on the job. Welcome to the working world and if you throw school in there you will not have much of a blogging life. That's what happened to me. :( I need a bumper sticker that says, "I'd rather be blogging."

Lourie said...

Ah naps. I love naps. And I miss them. And don't worry about spelling. It's never been high on my priority list. ;)

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

That was cute!
I'm glad you are loving the job. It's hard and often thankless but I bet all the people you serve love you.

Sorry about the car. I feel your pain.

Also sorry about working the weekend. I had to work all of last weekend too. Yuk!

Randomlicious Memoirs said...

Great confessions...I feel the same way...about naptime and don't have to FEEL like you have to respond or check out my blog. I comment because I want to....And I actually have something to say..

I always think about being a that weird?? I just think I would be good at it..I must think about it too much because I think I would help those who have fear of needles by being that good at drawing blood! Silly aren't i? I may have to look into that..except I don't know if I can go to school for that with little ones.
Have a great weekend

Cheeseboy said...

I do like winning cash too. Actually, I like the thought of it. It has never actually happened to me.

So glad you like your job. And it's a great thing you do too.

Lisa B. said...

I've been slacking a bit in teh bloggy world too! Life does have a way of getting in the way! And, yes, I need more naps too!

TisforTonya said...

what - is it NOT officially slacker week? I was totally celebrating...

okay, so maybe I've just been a little busy?

catching up... ummm... next week sometime... I hope.

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