Sunday, April 26, 2009

LDS storymakers


This was my first year I attended LDS Storymaker's conference. It was so much fun! There were many classes with real live LDS authors teaching them! Rachel Nunes taught a class on plot and conflict. Some of the LDS authors that attended:Michelle Ashman Bell, Josie Kilpack, James Dashner, Tristi Pinkston, Robison Wells-- EVERYONE was there! I am so excited to get started writing! I think I even might try my hand at writing a Young adult, youth book geared for 9-12 year old girls. I still want to write romance, I just want to try to write other genre's as well. We'll see how I do. And now I have all these connections now. It's cool. And I also heard it's a good thing to blog. I need to build up my blogging community. YES! I knew blogging was a good idea! Also Facebook was mentioned as a good thing to have. YES! Double score for me! Everyone who is interested in writing and who ever had any desire to write should attend this conference next year. I LOVED it! I'll see if I can link you to their site. It's awesome! I also joined a group called Author's Incognito. They can critique your work if you want! I am finally pursuing my writing dream.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

I am so glad you got to go to this. It sounds like it will be very helpful to you in your writing ambition!

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