Sunday, April 19, 2009

I've been reading...

I've been reading--books and blogs. Well actually for the last couple of days it had been books. I love books! I love to escape reality and delve right on into a book. I currently am reading Tears of a Giraffe and The Thirteenth Tale. Good Stuff. Granted I just started so I'm in a chapter of them both but hey it's good.
I just checked out your blogs. They are still funny and cute. And I wish some of you would write more. YOU know who YOU are. If you update about once a week you are ok...but once a month--Come on give me a break will ya! Anyway jump on the blogging bandwagon like me and blog to your heart's content. LOL! I'll just get to the point so you can be done reading and on to more important things like cleaning the toilet...(hehe..remember your visiting teachers are coming today.)

Okay. I'm serious. Well I'd just like to take a minute or two and express my gratitude for a living Savior AND a Divine Heavenly Father in my life. He knows us and wants to help us. He answers our prayers--His spirit can be with us always if we let him in. I am in the primary presidency in my ward and one of my fellow counselors gave the sharing time lesson today. It was about the Saviour. She posted pictures of the Savior and shared some pictures from a book she got. Then she played a DVD of the song My Redeemer lives!(It's right next to the hymn I believe in Christ in the LDS hymnbook.) President Hinckley wrote the words to My Redeemer lives! Here are the words:
I know that my Redeemer lives,
Triumphant Savior, Son of God,
Victorious over pain and death,
My King, my Leader, and my Lord.

He lives, my one sure rock of faith,
The one bright hope of men on earth,
The beacon to a better way,
The light beyond the veil of death.

Oh, give me thy sweet Spirit still,
The peace that comes alone from thee,
The faith to walk the lonely road
That leads to thine eternity.
(Gordon B. Hinckley, "My Redeemer Lives," Hymns, no. 135)
It was a great sharing time. I too am grateful to the Lord and for my faith and testimony I have of the Savior. Even when the road is rough He is there for me and sometimes He carries me when it is too much. May all your loads be alittle lighter today because of the Savior.

1 comment:

Debbi said...

so what do you think of thirteenth tale? I liked it, a little strange, but I thought it was good, I had a friend who wouldn't finish it, I didn't think it was that bad. We should swap book lists sometime. I finally added your blog to mine, I've wanted too for a while, but this baby #3 is wipping me out, I have no time, I am a wimp!

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