Thanks Google for the above image!
I was hopping through Blogland this morning looking for a lighter post for Friday. 'Cause I don't know about you but when Friday comes I am done. Literally. My brain is fried. Well, I found something. Unexperienced Mom is doing Fill in the blank Friday. Something light and fun.
And who couldn't use another movie to watch.
Today’s Fill in the Blank Friday question is:
The movie I could watch over and over again is ____________.
(I had to think about this one. I have several movies I like to watch over and over again.)
But here it is: BEST THREE movies I like to watch over and over again. Sorry I couldn't pick just one.
1. Clueless (Yeah, I like the high school movies for some reason.)
2. Little Women (You know the movie with Susan Sarandon and Winona Ryder?)
3. Freaky Friday (The one with Lindsay Lohan and Jaimie Lee Curtis in it. See what i told you about HIGH school movies? I love them!) It is kinda odd cause I HATED high school. However I do like watching the movies...;)
Any-hoo, If you wanna join the fun, Go on over to UnexperiencedMom's site AND linky up with your fave movie! OR two or three!
(Instructions on her site.)
HAPPY Friday! I'm so GLAD Friday came!
I've never seen Freaky Friday. Guess I will have to check it out.
Came here via (Un)Experienced Mom
I have never watched little women all the way through.
I'm with you on Clueless for sure. Not sure on those other two...
I can (and maybe I do) watch Princess Diaries over and over... something about that movie...
I am so a 12 year old girl. LOL!
Ooh. I'd have a hard time answering that because I love movies. I'd probably go with North & South, Sense & Sensibility, and You've Got Mail.
Little Women is such a good movie!! I could watch it again and again too! :)
All good movies, but yeah, clueless was one of my favorites growing up!!!!
Thanks so much for playing along!
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