My friend, AJ, brought a point up to me in my last blog post. She left a comment on my post. It was the only comment thus far. She observed, that hardly anybody leaves comments on book reviews and she was going to leave a comment on my review just 'cause.
Thanks AJ by the way!
Which brings me to my next item of business. Comments.
Why do we comment on the blogs we read?
Here's why I comment on other blogs.
1. To get to know the person as a blogger. By asking questions in the comment section you get to know the blogger as a person NOT just as some blog you read.
2. The blogger is funny. I comment. For example, "This post is hilarious! It brough tears to my eyes. Thanks for posting!"
3. The blogger is my IRL friend. Yup. That's right folks. I have IRL friends that actually blog. YAHOO! IT's so much fun to read their blogs.
4. I comment because I am a SITS girl. (SITS is a big supporter of comments.) Here's their LINK if you want to check them out.
5. Monday Mingles. I try to comment on EVERYBODY who mingles with Jen over at EightyMPHmom.com. I mean I participate to meet these minglers and learn more about them each week. It's fun.
6. Cool giveaways going on a blog. I comment on these only when it is easier to sign up. I don't like jumping through a MILLION different hoops just to be entered in YOUR giveaway. I'll usually do about 3 things. Anymore, and I won't bother with your giveaway.
7. Facebook/Twitter. If you use these popular programs and have a blog, I probably have noticed you and have gone to your blog. If you write good blog, I'll comment.
I think that's about it. Those are the reasons WHY I comment. Why do you choose to leave comments on other blogs? :)
P.S. And yes, like everybody in blogland, I heart comments. So leave a comment. It's easy-peasy. I might even go and check your stuff out. :)
I'm going to put my book review post down underneath this one in case you are interested. K?
P.P.S. Never mind about that. The Monday Mingle post came up. OOps. Just check my archives on the right for the book review entitled "Missing" By Rhonda Hinrickson. Thanks!
I comment for pretty much the same reasons as you said. I also try to point out something specific in my comment. That way it say "hey, i read the whole post".
I agree with all of these. I am a self acclaimed comment whore. I love commenting, just as much as I love to receive them.
And I know people think I don't see comment # 212, but I read every single one, and appreciate every single one.
I think you nailed it. I do tend to leave more comments of the blogs of people I consider my bloggy friends, like you, but in general I do try to comment when I visit.
I know firsthand how nice it is to get just one or two...
I comment if a post makes me laugh, I comment if it's touched me or is applicable to what's going on in my life. I always try to visit and comment to everyone who has commented on my blog! I'm certain I've missed someone, so I try to do this every week...even if I take one day and devote it to just that.
I love comments so I always try to at least say 'this is my first visit! I'll be back"
I comment for all those reasons plus it lets the blogger know they are being read and appreciated.
I also like to give my opinion and view point.
I don't comment on book reviews unless I have read the book..sorry.
I post on very few giveaways, unless I really like the product or I don't have to jump through hoops.
Good post.
I comment on blogs that I love to read because it lets them know that I love what they are writing and that someone really is out there reading what they wrote.
I rarely comment anywhere anymore. Mostly only if a post really touches me or just to let someone know I've stopped by. Basically, I comment if I had the time to read.
Now to be totally honest, I'm a fairly new blog reader (2 or 3 months) and an even newer blogger (only a couple weeks), so I'm just now understanding the importance of leaving comments on posts so the blogger knows someone is reading and enjoying their posts. And for the record - I am rading and enjoying your posts (even the book reviews) and will be a better comment-leaver from now on! :)
I used to comment all of the time, everywhere. I still would, except for I realized that I was neglecting my kids too much for my own liking. So I have had to cut down a LOT. I feel a little bad about it sometimes, but mostly I comment when I have something to say about what they wrote.
GREAT POST!! I comment if the post was actually worth reading and this was my dear!! Bravo...clap, clap...PS: I just joined SITS today! :P
I almost always comment but I took Sunday and Monday off. Sorry.
I like to comment because I know that the blogger has put time, effort and a piece of them into their blog.
Thanks for commenting on mine and sharing my SITS day with me!
I comment out of respect for the blogger. That is the best part of posting, to see your fellow bloggers enjoy your post. Some people need words of support, a friendly comment can make a difference in a lonely persons life. Thanks for making me think about it, interesting question.
When I started blogging, I had no idea what to do, what was expected, or mostly even what it was all about. I slowly learned that there was this "expectation", sort of like an unwritten rule, that when you read a blog, you leave a comment. That when someone comments on your post, you return the favor.
Since then, and while that is still the case, I've learned that commenting serves other purposes. In addition to doing what is expected, your comments can answer a question, provide a tip, point something out that the writer otherwise did not know, give support, and to even ask the writer a question.
As for not getting comments on book reviews, or any other topic for the matter, I find it is better to not leave a comment on a post I have no connection to, than to say something just for the sake of leaving a comment. If you were to write a post about knitting, chances are you won't be hearing from me. Think about it, how many followers do you have in relation to how many comments you get on a post. Usually the number of comments are just a fraction of the number of followers. I figure that my posts don't always connect with everyone, and I understand that they might not want to leave a comment if they have nothing to say about that topic.
Ok Ok i admit I have OCD when it comes to commenting and blogging. I am constatnly keeping watch on my friends and try to comment on EVERYTHING they post lol.. and yep I read it ALL...
I tend not to comment on review/giveaway posts.
Interesting post, and worth reading. I love blogs that touch my heart and make me think, blogs that kindle a desire within me to be better at any number of things, and which give unique insight into life and living. Fresh perspective and touch your soul writing always get my comments.
I liked all these comments. And I comment too because of these same reasons. ( And I just plain like you darling). Keep up the good work.
:) You are so welcome... glad it gave you fodder for another post.
I am a commenter. Can't help myself. I do unto others, as I would like them to do unto me. I comment, because I like to get comments. It's a fact.
I agree with reasons to comment. :)
Just stopping by for blog visit...and I am SITS girl also....great post...I comment because I have a "big" mouth...LOL
I comment as much as I can for bloggy karma. People love comments, shows they bloggy love ya! Also as you said you enjoyed the post, are a SITSah, or just saying "Hey I stalked you today." If you want, head over to Extraordinary Mother's (forum in the corner) a good portion of us are there and if you have a post you want some bloggy love...come ask. We gladly pass our comment love. ;)
As a new-ish blogger, I know I definitely appreciate comments. There are days when it's so encouraging to know that people are actually finding my blog and listening to my ramblings!!
I'll have to check out some of the sites you mentioned too :-)
Ohhh comments --- the sweet rewards we bloggers crave.
I used to spend two hours a day commenting on other blogs. But alas, I am so busy now, I just can't do that. I try to make an effort to comment as much as I can -- but I do a bunch of my blog reading on my iPhone and I loathe commenting on my iPhone.
It is so important to comment for so many reasons -- most of all to support the blogger we are reading. :)
I comment because the interaction is my favorite part of blogging.
Also, if you give comments, you get comments and who doesn't love comments?
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