**What do you say is that in my sweet 2 year old's hair? Somebody forgot and left the bathroom door open. No, it's not shampoo, it's toothpaste! My daughter used toothpaste like it was shampoo!**
Thought y'all might enjoy another Wordless Wednesday brought to you by Cluttered Brain.
P.S. Still working on my Nano novel. Made it past the halfway point! YEAH!
P.P.S. Still a Twitter addict. Yup, I still need therapy.
P.P.P.S. Still waiting for New Moon to come out. Any of you peeps live near Mesquite Nevada OR in St. George Utah and want to see the movie with me? I'd totally like to go with you. On one exception, Someone has to take a picture of me kissing Jacob on the movie poster. 'Cause I am soooo Team Jacob! Or Emmett. He is hot too. :)
P.P.P.P.S. Is that enough post scripts yet? No, not yet. This is the LAST ONE. If you have YET to make an appearance over at Adventures of a Wanna be Supah Mommy
HEAD on over there now! She's frickin AWESOME man! Plus maybe one day, I might get to Skype at her. And if she likes it, it might make an appearance on her blog. My new dream. :)
Also one more thing,Princess of Sarcasm "I Skyped with Princess of Sarcasm and I liked it." AND I have the T-shirt to prove it. Well I wish I had a T shirt. You guys just have to believe me. Honest. Sorry, no recordings. I'm not that techy cool like Supah. Not yet anyways.
lmbo ummm perhaps she wants minty fresh hair to match her breath lol
Aw, fun little children.
So I want to figure out this Skyping thing. I'd even make you a t-shirt saying you Skyped with me. How cool is that?
And how do you do the shout outs and link it back to their page? I'm still learning all this...
P.S. What happened to my button? I see my name on the sidebar but no button.
At least her hair is minty fresh.
Sorry I live too far from you, but I've been in those parts of your world few times on my way to Vegas.
too funny...kids get into the bathroom supplies way too often...she's just like my little girl....they love to be in the bathroom whipping things up!!!
At first I thought it was glitter glue!! Toothpaste...well, she smells minty fresh!!
She looks thrilled!
i knew from the color it was toothpaste. my daughter loves rubbing PB in her hair. just as gross
She is TOO cute! Ya know, she could have chosen something much worse - like Vaseline. Have you ever tried to get Vaseline out of a child's hair? NOT FUN!
I Tweet some, but for the life of me, I don't see your Twitter button. Do you have one? My Twitter ID is 2ManyHeartbeats. I'm not on there a ton but I'd love to chat with you when I am. Let me know.
Thanks for stopping by today. I always appreciate your visits! Talk to you soon.
Teresa <><
it's a good look for her. :)
Hmmmm....better toothpaste than gum, I suppose.
I loved the twilight books, but kinda hated the last movie (i know, i know, I'm weird). Hope you enjoy it!
Eww, it least it wasn't preparation H or something equally emabarassing.
Congrats on being halfway through!
Toothpaste as shampoo? So cute though! I'm sure it wasn't too cute to wash out though, at least her hair will be minty fresh!
Oh goodness, I bet that was a handful to clean up! She's so cute, though!!
Well at least she probably smelled good right? lol
Thanks for stopping by my blog. What's your Twitter name? I'm MarfGirl.
~ MarfMom
Oh no about the toothpaste! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! I haven't read any of the twilight books yet. I don't know what is wrong with me! Have fun on Thursday night!
Gotta put this in the memory book. I love that you took photos! :)
I'm not sure I should say what I caught my daughter doing in the bathroom. ick. blech. ugh. I'm still trying to erase it from my mind. :)
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