Friday, July 30, 2010

Blog friends make me happy.

I had the marvelous opportunity of having  lunch with some blog friends today. WE had Mexican food because we are cool like that. Mmm. Salsa and chips....Delicious. T and I both had the chicken chimichangas (She copied me, she secretly wants to be ME) LOL!
  Anybloglunch, we took some pictures...
  HAHA! Yeah, that was my idea. I love silly pictures! :)

Here is one of us all together--
From left to right: T =@TisforTonya , ME of course, @Clutteredbrain , @Shellblok and @seemomsmile
(I gave you all their twitter handles so you can find them on Twitter, their blog is attached to their Twitter handles, okay?)

I considered putting disguises on all of us, (like a moustache and glasses get-up but I figured these ladies would not appreciate that.)  They really are quite beautiful ladies and I'm glad they drove to MY town so we could eat lunch. Husband was working and all.  :)

I just want to tell them Thanks! I had a spectacular time and I hope to do it again next month or in September sometime. Blogger's night out or something...

Do you think our husbands would watch the kids for that long? LOL.

I hope the rest of you enjoy the pictures and have a wonderful weekend!


Living the Scream said...

That looked so fun I wish I lived closer to you! What a fun group of people!

TisforTonya said...

of course I want to be YOU!!! I couldn't eat any dinner I was still full from that chimi :)

See Mom Smile said...

Was fun!! Must do it again. With movie and shopping. And pedicures!

Missy said...

I'm happy you ladies all had a blast! I so wish MY bloggy buddies lived closer and we could "do lunch" (sounds so..POSH!). But look at my luck. lol

Jules said...

Sounds like a lot of fun. Glad everyone had a good time and thanks for sharing.

Blog friends are great! :)

Unknown said...

OK so I am just a smidge jealous lol.. but I got to go to the fair and have my heart beat ut of my chest with my youngest and his dang daredevil ways...

BNM said...

awww how fun :)

Tracie Nall said...

Mexican food and blogging friends? You sure got lucky this weekend!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I think you must have had the best time ever! Mexican food with you guys........ya the BOMB!

Anonymous said...

This sounds like it was so much fun.

Holly said...

WHAT?? No talking garbage cans??? Come now!! Go find a talking garbage can next time!! LOL!! Glad you had FUN!! ;D

Vodka Logic said...

Looks like fun.. I love my blog friends too.

Debbie said...

Blog friends are the BEST (and I should know). So happy you could have such a fun time together. I was recovering from a (non)slumber party. But hey, that might give me something to blog about.....

Krista said...

Man - I need new friends. Why are all my friends too busy to do lunch? So jealous. Wish I could be there!

Beth Zimmerman said...

I'd totally come eat Mexican food and take pictures with you if I lived closer! :)

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

So fun to hang out with you guys! Seriously, conversation was great, food was delicious, and the pictures were so funny!

Can't wait until we do it again!

Unknown said...

so cool that you got to hang out and have a blog/tweetup! will be sure to find these gals on twitter & follow soon!

yay for girls' nights!

Lisa said...

What the crap?! Next time, I expect you all to drive another six hours north, so as to meet up with me. Just sayin'.

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

Oh man, I am totally and completely jealous! You guys are so awesome! Wished I lived closer!

And AMEN to Lisa's comment!

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