Hey y'all!
Thanks for stopping by.
I was in the middle of doing the "cooking dinner" thing when I was reminded about this little monkey above who got diagnosed with cancer. After listening to my awesome bloggy friend, Angel @ Angel Believes rant about how somebody did not post this sweet monkey button on their blog, I realized something. I had not posted this button on my blog.
I didn't do it because I don't care.
I did it because I forgot. I want to thank Angel for reminding me. (I just hope she isn't too too mad at me for not doing it sooner.) You really don't wanna get on her bad side, people.
But Ian over at A Daily Dose of Reality, is holding an auction in Monkey's name.
If you can donate anything, even a dollar, it can help.
If you cannot donate anything at this time, at least show your support and post this precious Monkey button on your blog. And please keep this wonderful 16 month baby and family in your prayers tonight.
Hug your own children a little tighter tonight because you can.
All you have to do is click the button, I hope it works, And you should be directed to Ian's site. All the details are over there.
I'm going to donate. I don't have very much right now but I feel like I should do something.
This little Monkey is going to be in my prayers tonight, that's for sure.
So, I'm not sure if Michelle, (I think that is Monkey's mom) sees this post or not, but my prayers are with you at this time.
I'm sorry I didn't post this sooner.
God bless you.

It's never too late to post for Mission Monkey! Thank you, I know Ian will be glad and Monkey's family even happier.
OK so I got a little miffed.. ok a lot miffed .. you know me I have never been one to bite my tounge ever.. Thank you for posting her button hun
Okay, posted the pic on my blog. My prayers are with the sweet baby too. *HUGS*
After I saw this here I went ahead a gave a little shout-out on my blog a couple days ago. Not that I'm a big famous blog or anything, but every little bit helps, right?
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