I figured since Comment Love letters benefited Monkey today I would play along. I'm sure you know Monkey by now. Monkey's picture is on my sidebar. I think Kerri said with every link up today, Adrienne @ Adrienne tells all is going to donate money for every linkup on Kerri's Klutter today. So come on! What are you waiting for??:)
Dove Chocolate giveaway to be awarded SOON!! Perhaps today even. Wait for it. THANKS! :)
Dear Cluttered Brain,
I like you the way you are! But I totally understand what you mean...I have been feeling the same way. I know bloggers that make a post and within MINUTES have at least 30 comments! I hate to say it...but I am so jealous of that! DOn't know why...but I am... Oh well, I must not be clever or creative enough either!
Don't change a thing! Have a fabulous!!!
Hm, I am not sure. I have a lot harder time commenting on Vlog posts for some reason, but I have no idea why. I've also noticed the amount of comments I get on my posts is almost always tied to the amount of comments I am giving on other blogs. Give a lot of comments = get a lot of comments.Give few comments = get few comments.I think you write terrific stuff. Just keep at it and the comments will come flowing in.
I've been hearing a lot of blogger mentioning less comments lately, so maybe it is something in the blog-world air?! Some days I do read so many blogs that even when I read in my reader, I don't click through and comment on all of them. If cutting down on your amount of posts makes you less stressed, then I say you should do it. When you find that blog editor, feel free to send her my way! ;-) I could use a little inspiration and help these days!
well I am new at the blog game so I rarely get comments! I am just trying to be consistent. We will see if that works :)
Boy, this is a doozy of a question, and one that I'm not sure I have an answer for! I have definitely been commenting less, simply from lack of time, and my comments are going way down. I don't mind, because I am not blogging simply to get comments. But I say just blog when you want, about what you want, and if you wanted to make some changes in how you blog and see what happens with the comments, it couldn't hurt! Then you could switch back if you wanted to. Good luck!
I'm totally JEALOUS, of all the comments that some of the authors of blogs that I visit get. I don't know what the heck the deal is. And, you know I like you just how you roll. And you know that's about when I blog. A few times a week. Some weeks it seems to be everyday and other weeks it is way less. I just depends on life, and what's been going on.
Thanks for commenting on my blog! I loved seeing that tiny #1 lol I will say Hi at the CBC! I don't know anyone so i am nervous!!!
When I read your blog, I usually leave a comment -- but I am not a blog reader for the most part. Kind of odd since we have a blog, right?! LOL! I've noticed comments on our family blog come and go. And readers/ followers come and go. So, hang in there. Your posts are fun and I enjoy them. I just read back almost a month. :-) Have a great Friday!!
I think it's a combination of all you said and more. Life is so busy for everyone, and then there are the hundreds of blogs to read and comment, and our own posts to write. I barely have time for blogging anymore. If you follow hundreds of people as I do, and work full time, you just can't keep up. You might want to scale back on the posts and use that time for catching up with reading and commenting.
oh lady, i know how you feel.now, admittedly, i give 'bad blog,' but still... maybe the summer time makes for less blogging/commenting. who knows? regardless, i love your blog -- and i will try to be a better 'follower.'
I usually only post three or four times a week because 1) I am just not physically able to do it more than than and 2) I find that gives more readers a chance to see each of my posts. So, I guess my answer is, quality over quantity = more comments for each post. I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!
Oh My i have writers and vlog block everyday lol
I found you at MMB and I am loving your blog already! Thanks for the tips! I subscribed!
You are so cracking me up with the paragraphs comment...I just went back and looked at some old posts the other night and was left wondering if I was scared of spaces back then! lol
Having blogged for two years in relative obscurity and then suddenly had oodles of popularity, I figured out why: No one is going to even visit your blog unless you comment on yours first. I never commented on any blog for two years and only my close friends and family read it. Then I made one comment on one blog and I suddenly had followers. I've learned blogging is so give and take and you have to be willing to give.These are great suggestions too. I especially like good-looking celebrities photos, but appreciate the ones of women.
My tip is to try to limit the loooooooong posts. I don't have time to read a novel. Once in awhile a long post is warranted but half of the time it's not. I've heard that people are willing to scroll down twice. Any more than that and you've lost them...usually.
Blogging is a relationship. It's not just about you. You gotta give to get.
Great post! I agree with all your tips. For sure, great ideas & glad I'm following your blog.
I need some of those glasses.
your glasses are rockin you should wear them to the CBC Conference
Hey, I can finally read and see your blog now!
Thanks again for the fabulous birthday wishes!
Ha! Awesome glasses!
I love those glasses
Love the glasses..Enjoyed my stop at your blog...Hope you will visit me....Just posted on MAKING a DIFFERENCE!
A, you are just too much girl! Where in the world did you ever find those glasses??? LOL. And what a sweet birthday shout out - so bummed mine isn't for several months. Oh, and the video of you and your little girl - so so sweet. Thanks for always cheering me on girl - I appreciate it and love that your gettin' your vlog on!!!
Love from your followers,

Comment love is a beautiful thing! ;-)
My family is praying many prayers for little Monkey and her family.
Haha! Suddenly I can view your blog again! So weird!
I'm hearing ya. I have been getting more comments than usual lately, not sure why. I do love them. But I have been way off my blogging mojo lately.
And it is very time consuming to go around visiting everyone's blogs!
I have four little kids so I do the best I can.
Love ya girl!
I need to start leaving YOU more comments. I read and then I'm on my way...I admit it and sorry.
Thanks for linking up and supporting Monkey...hopefully I'll see you do this again just cuz you wanna! ;o)
Have a great day
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