- I woke up in the morning, puttered around my house doing some last minute chores, showered and dressed and was out the door by 10:30ish.
- I stopped in Cedar City, UT for something. Can't remember what now. My mother-in-law lives in Cedar.
- Then I proceeded to drive to Sandy UT.
- I was excited! I was going to room with Momnerd and because of this, I was excited. You see, Momnerd helped design my blog. :))
- I arrived at the hotel in plenty of time to go to the Girl's night. I should have taken my camera, (I left it in my hotel room) but oh well. I made lip gloss, got my nails painted and chatted with some amazing bloggers.
- Serene recognized me and we chatted for a while. I got a picture with her the next day.
Yes, Serene blogs at Serene is not my life just my name--or something like that. LOL.
I lost all navigational skills and took a right out of the hotel instead of the left you were suppose to take and drove around Sandy mindlessly for about 30 minutes. I arrived at SLCC (Sandy campus) at 9:15AM. It started at 9:00AM. *sigh*
I only got three vendor's tickets. One for my CBC ticket, to win an IPAD....(I really wanted it.) Signed up to win a bloggy camera, which my friend Tauna won, Grrrr....:) And something else, I can't remember.
I did win though.
I won a really cool pen for knowing the name of Annette Lyon's book. :)
I won a book from Marie Rick's organization class.
And I won a Joovy highchair. (Really nice highchair. Only problem is, I think I am done having kids.)
I taught some people the importance of Twitter. I helped them set up Twitter accounts.
I took some great pictures.
I got to eat lunch with Annette Lyon on Saturday.
I learned a lot.
I am going back next year for sure.
Maybe by then the organizers will have learned a thing or two and realize that they should have the conference in Southern UT. Somewhere near St. George UT is nice. ;)
Here are some more pics that I took at Casual Blogger Conference. :)
My friend T.:)
My laptop helped me tweet the conference! #cbc10 I am still using that hastag! :)
I have lots more to say but I am having trouble posting more pictures!
Stay tuned for much more updates and pictures! :)
I have so MUCH blog fodder from this conference, you wouldn't believe. :)

They did a piece about CBC on the news! I hope you are well.
seriously - who do I need to bribe to have the conference in our warm neck of the woods?
It was so great to see you--and eat lunch together! I learned a ton too. What a great conference!
Glad you loved the conference, too. You won the high chair, huh? That would have been a huge bummer for me and my airplane ride. I would've had to check it as luggage and then lose it. :o)
I agree! St. George next time!!!!! I would so be there.
It was so fun to get to know you. Thanks for all your help with Twitter by the way AND BlogFrog AND all that techie stuff!
You are amazing.
Loved your pictures.
Sounds like a wonderful time!!
It was great to finally meet you! Wish we had more time to chat. :(
Hi! You are a hoot! Now I can't go around calling you "cluttered brain", therefore, you need to help me out with YOUR name. A small hint...and we cheered for you when you won!
Can't wait to hear more about it!
Why doesn't central California have a conference? Are there really that many bloggers in UT??
LOL! Look at us hot babes! I feel special I got a picture with you! i wish we had had more time to chat but everyone was clamoring for your brilliant twitter mastermind!!
Can't wait till next year!
I'm glad you got so much out of it!
How many of you live in St. George?!
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