Oh, Friday.
Friday was the day all of us were together listening to great speakers. They talked to us on the greatness of social media. I learned that if a grade were given to me in the social media class, I'd probably get an "A." (I gave myself the A grade BTW.) Because I am on Twitter. I am on Facebook. I am on Blogfrog. I am on YouTube. YAY me!!
I even helped one of my friends sign up for Twitter friday night.
T, sweet gal that she is, needed some help with Twitter. And so, I helped. Me being such a Twitter expert and all.
Friday night was also the night of the concert.
Cameron Rafati performed for us.
All of US had a good time. Believe you me. :)
Yup. Here is T. Well, she likes to call herself that in Blog world. I helped her get ON Twitter.
I also helped her download an awesome program called Hootsuite. You heard of it? It ROCKS!
(Yeah, yeah I know I was laughing WAY hard. Somebody must have made me laugh or something like that. Go figure.)
Yup, I even had the guts to ask Mombabe for a picture. She is one of the organizers for Casual Blogger Conference. She is just as nice in person! :)
I must be famous now! 'Cause LOOK! I got my picture taken with the Kristina P. (She even got to wear a bedazzled Snugglie.)
This gal recognized me Friday night and introduced herself to me! She blogs at Living the Scream! AND she has an I-phone. I know, lucky right?
AND Yes, I got a picture with Lolli from Better in Bulk AND Shauna from Trying to Stay Calm. Such sweet ladies!
This is a picture of the other organizer of the conference. She is on the right. Lovely Motherboard! She is a great gal to talk with! Plus she has GREAT shoes! My picture didn't turn out very nice of Motherboard, so I borrowed the picture that Shelle took and posted on the Casual Blogger profile page. ShelleBlok is an excellent photographer! (Her link is below.)
The above picture was taken by the great ShelleBlok at Casual Blogger Conference. She took all the pictures of EVERYBODEE there. She did a great job! I didn't get one of Tauna, I have to post a picture of her, 'cause she WON my bloggie video camera from Blogfrog! She already WON a blog makeover the day before. *sigh* I'm ok with it really. She is a super sweet person, and I enjoyed my time with her immensely. Can't wait for next year!
This concludes this section of pictures.
I have some more, but I don't want to post everything now, right? I have to save some for later. In case I lose my blogging mojo or something. I hope I am not boring you or anything. This was my FIRST blogger conference! And most certainly, will NOT be my last!!
Part Three of Casual Blogger ends tomorrow, K? :)

ha ha Great pics. Especially of Motherboard. lub it. It was so fun to see you again. And especially fun to hear you playing my playlist during DeNae's lecture. ha ha
Motherboard might kill you for that picture. :)
What a fun weekend, huh?
I could post another one of her if she wants. Maybe i should change it? :)
Dang it. I wanted a better one but she is too darn FAST.
I find it all very interesting.
HA! There! I took that picture off. i remember her saying something like, Oh you can't post that one, i crossed me eyes.
Thanks fer reminding me. LOL. I had a slip of the memory for a minute. Only U and Crash saw that pic.
okay so you tweet about me today and link to my blog on your post! You are just too dang nice. I will definitely share the love.. CBC was awesome, thanks for being so nice to me!
I'm glad to see the Hootsuite love is going strong and spreading! =)
It looks like that conference was a lot of fun!!
Looks like a blast!! I can't wait til I finally make it to a conference. :-)
I love that you are so kind and willing to impart your vast knowledge of social media. (wow, I said a big word....social media!)
It was so great to get to meet you and know you there. You are one sweet and fun chica!
I have actually read the instruction book of the bloggie and also gone to a few youtube videos about how to use it! You should be proud.
I've never heard of Hootsuite! What the heck?
I was surprised that you watched any of the Cameron Rafati concert cuz you were so busy teaching T how to Twitter, Tweet, facebook and whiz.......I mean Whirlllll
whiz... whrll... whatever :)
gotta love the updates - although I totally wish I'd been early enough to catch the "other" picture :)
I'll send it to you T.
But Shh, mums the word. You don't HOW you got the picture.
i accidentally sent it. ya see? :)
Great photos, I actually found myself in one. Now I need to see if I can actually get the brain power to apply any of the amazing things we learned.
Looks like you had a blast! I've never been to a blogging conference. Maybe someday......
It was great to meet you! Great pictures and recap!
Haha! Awesome photos! You're so awesome chica!
I can tell you had the best time!
Sounds like sooo much fun! :)
You are awesome Alexes. Your enthusiasm for life, blogging and all things social media is great! It was a fun weekend!
It's too bad I didn't have a chance to chat with you at the conference! I was kind of a loner, and didn't branch out as much as I should have. I did learn a lot though. Great pics!
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