It's that time again folks!
Join up with Speedy Jen and mingle with us!!
This week's questions are hard. They were sent in by Mandy @ I'd Rather Be Crafting.
Thanks for the questions Mandy, even though they were hard. Ai, Yi, Yi.
1. What is the hardest *physical* thing you have ever done? (Giving birth, running a marathon, etc.)
2. What is one of the hardest things you have ever done emotionally? (Saying goodbye to a loved one, watching your babies grow up, etc.)
3. Name one thing from your bucket list - something you hope to achieve before you die.
Have a super week this week you guys!
And don't forget "Get your Vlog on!" on Wednesdays with LizzieBTV!

Disney rocks. I can't wait to bring Little Man when he is older.
They were lil hard!
Hello! Yep - those were doozies. It took all the strength I had not to tear up talking about my mom. I am so sorry about losing your great grandmother. I lost a dear aunt when I was in my teens, and that hurt so bad.
Isn't it fun to mingle outside? I love it, though I wonder if I should move around the yard for a different background some weeks.
Thank you for mingling!
I have not been to Disneyland either.
I had to redo my video because I started crying in the first one! They were very hard questions. I haven't had anyone really close to me die so I don't know how I would handle that at this point.
Disney! I would love to go. I am 41 and have never been.
These questions were tough! I'm so used to the fun questions...
I haven't been to Disneyland either. Adopt me and take me with you, pleeeeease! Have a good week.
To answer your question, I am WAY excited for CBC but also nervous. :)
It looks like a beautiful day outside!
I think recovering from giving birth is harder than giving birth.
Thank you for sharing!
You crack me up with that microphone. It reminds me of Bob Barker from the Price is Right. HA!
Disney Rocks!
I didn't answer the emotional thing either on my vlog this week. I know what it is, but not what I wanted to talk about. I did loose both my grandma's in the last 2 years and it was really hard.
You MUST go to Disneyland or Walt Disney World!
So sorry about the hard questions! I totally didn't mean to pry into everyones deep tough stuff. Next time I'll ask easier ones, promise. Thanks so much for adding on to answer though ~ I'm impressed. Such a dedicated mingler. ;)
Disney!! I have been to Disneyworld, but not Land. I hope to do that one day too.
I *will* get an outside mingle at some point. I vow to!
Boy, those are 2 tough questions ... you did a great job on them! I think you know what my hardest physical thing is. I'm not sure what my toughest emotional thing would be -- there are 3 big ones that are equally rough. We all have so many profound learning experiences and think they are all meant to help shape and mold us into something greater than we ever imagined. :-)
The hardest thing I've done physically is run a 10K race when I wasn't properly trained and ready for it. My hips hurt for months after that.
Been to Disney a few times.
The questions were rough indeed! oh you want Disneyland but I'm in California and I want to go to Disney World! :) Looks like sooo much fun!
Another fun vlog - as expected.
Personally not too wild about the shades, I like to see your eyes sparkle.
Thanks for both your comments!
Have a great week!
Giving birth was tough. Mmm hmm! LOL
I've never been to Disney either. Good pick.
Sorry so late, but at least I made it :) Hope you're having a great week!
Complete doozies, girl! I was with ya - and almost skipped as well, but decided, what the heck! And, I'm with ya on giving birth being the hardest - hands down!
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