This week’s questions (submitted by Robyn from Robyn’s Online World) :
1. What does your extended family think of your blog?
2. Has anyone in your family ever asked you not to include them on your blog?
3. How supportive is your immediate household about your blogging?
2. Has anyone in your family ever asked you not to include them on your blog?
3. How supportive is your immediate household about your blogging?

AND I also am accepting another blog award from a sweet friend today! Thanks Donda!
Since I am lazy I am accepting it VLOG style...Listen for your name..OK?
Love you all! :) (Even if your name didn't get posted. I still love ya!)
CLARIFICATION:(I didn't get the cherry on TOP award, I got those other awards...the other day.)
I'm tired. Good night! I will watch all your mingles in the morning! :)
and yes, i know my lips and mouth are not matchy this week...I'm a BAD japanese film but I got lazy and am NOT editing it out...
Close your eyes and watch
HAVE a SUPER WEEK you all! :)
Yes, you got the cherry on top! :)
Yes..i mean I got the cherry on TOP award, As you can see, i was very TIRED when i posted this....*sigh*
ANd without Dr. Pepper.
Good luck it is possible to make money using your blog!. Good thing your family is really supportive too.
you are too sweet :)
I might have to do an awards post soon!!
(and yes, bad Japanese film or not - I liked the Mingle) Hmmm... I wonder how supportive my family is? I should ask them... or not!
Hope the kids first day of school was fun! Wow, where did the summer go?
I like your answer "I'm not ashamed of it." Niiiice!
You should get one of those t~shirts that says "Be nice to me or you may end up in my blog!" LOL
Congrats on your award! Yay!
Congrats on the award. I like the idea of the t-shirt. My family is supportive, but I make it a point not to write anything that is not uplifting in some way. I don't write about their mistakes, unless there is a positive slant to it. So, I haven't had anyone ask me not to include them. I do however, get some eyerolling when I sit down at the computer for "a few minutes" to write. I don't know why they would question my integrity over the time thing????
Your excitement for the first day is my dread. Just kidding - we teachers love it too. Well, most of us.
Sending money-making-blog-vibes your way. Sorry I'm posting this a day LATE but Comcast was giving me GRIEF yesterday. Ok..I'm better now :)
Sending money-making-blog-vibes your way. Sorry I'm posting this a day LATE but Comcast was giving me GRIEF yesterday. Ok..I'm better now :)
My kids love to see Mommy getting boxes in the mail. Hope you can get to a money making place. It's a lot of slow work and I'm not making much.
I totally forgot about the Happy Birthday, but loved your song!
Have a great week!
Yep, I think for the most part - if you're in my life you may find a mention on my blog, but that's about it lol. Have a good week!
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