I believe it was a success. I could have kept things moving along in the beginning and for that I apologize. I will learn from my mistakes in the future.
Second of all, I have read every single tweet with the hastag #notgoingtoblogher. (I read the ENTIRE Twitter party in like 4 hours.) Kid you not. Jeez. No wonder you all were confused. I think I missed some tweets during the twitter party. :) LOL.
I have literally laughed my head off. You guys are hilarous! Really. @karmicevolution is one funny chick. Everyone should follow her for sure! I loved all of her answers! :)
- A lot of you asked how the winners were going to be determined.
- I went through each question and if you answered the question I asked, with the hastag #notgoingtoblogher you got listed as answering the question. :)
- I then placed a number beside your name.
- After numbering all of your lovely twitter handles, I went to random.org and typed in the numbers. Like for example, Q1 had 35 responses. I typed in 1 as first number, 35 as the END number...
With that being said, some of you won twice in different questions.
Basically the longer you stayed, the more likely of a chance you were going to win something.
Understand how I chose the winners?
I play no favorites. I just used Random.org to choose the winner. (Because if I did play favorites, you all would win just for showing up.:)
Here are the winners:
Q1 : Blog Design from Jacqui--> @lonestarlifer
Q2: Mystery swag bag from @robynsworld--> @Marfmom
Q3: Mystery swag bag from @EightyMPHmom --> @hulahoopINGmom :) Sorry about that. Man, the things you miss when you are tired.
Q4: $30 dollar gift certificate to Cherry Dazzle donated by @NotAverageTeen --> @asthepotter
I also chose some RED VINES winners too. There are 4 of them. @momstownca, @justicecw, @janetmcclausland, @papoe2010
Q5: Lovely shopper's purse --> @tisfortonya
Q6: Mystery swag from @jennyonthespot --> Also @tisfortonya
Q7: The Ultimate Back to school package from Mabelslabels --> @awritersden
Q8: Scentsy candle/warmer --> @erinlynn76
Q9: Veria chapstick--
Q10: Redvines --> @tisfottonya, @justicecw, @EFandfrugal, @LSAS1
Q11: Design your own T-shirt:
#5 was @Tisfortonya! CONGRATS! You winner YOU!! Love ya babe!
And last but certainly not leastly, @fromtracie is going to be receiving some RED VINES for helping with the RT's when Twitter sent me to jail! :(
Thank YOU @fromtracie!
I wish I had enough prizes for all of you! But I don't.
The good news is we all had a good time, Right?
And I will have some pretty awesome giveaways on my blog in the next couple of weeks. Keep a look out.
You might win. :)
If you all forgive me, I am not going to LINK all your twitter handles. Yikes. I am exhausted!
If you have won something, Please send me an email with your address and I will forward that information to the right person. MY EMAIL is oneclutteredbrain AT gmail DOT com.
Thanks for playing!

fabulous party! sorry i left a little early. we're at the inlaws doing moving stuff and my internet access was limited.
awesome party! thanks for letting me help and play along.
Aww thanks for the shout out! It was an awesome party! Super time had by all. Next time I'm throwing on some heels with my jammies and we can fancy it up! Lol. -KarmicEvolution
Awesome party! It was so much fun. Thanks so much to you and all the sponsors!
so stinkin' STINKIN' excited - because even though I really need a makeover - I love the idea of "mystery" swag!!! AND a shopper's purse - life just doesn't get better than this! I'll e-mail you :)
and HUGE thanks!!! that was a LOT of fun :)
I didn't mean to dis the red vines... I'm excited about those too... I just didn't notice them at first!
You are such a sweetie! I was happy to help out.
.....and I love me some Red Vines! =)
thank you!! what a fun party - you did great!!
congrats to all the winners!
I had fune even though i didn't win. Boo hoo. Poor me. LOL
oh wow surprise. I didn't win. again.. I am going to make pancakes. oh yeah congrats to the people who did. I am not jealous at all. I lie.
Sounds like a fun party!
:( I missed the party. But at least I had a great night.
Okay, I am on Twitter. I am there for your next one.
It was definitely a great party and there were tonnes of awesome prizes. Congrats to all the lucky winners!
Sorry I missed your party! Sounds like you guys had a fun time! Congratulations to all you winners.... :):)
Um, I think you made a mistake. My name is NOT listed as a winner. ;)
hey my winner has a wordpress blog and i you were suppost to pick a blogger winner. can you please pick a new one and email me.
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